Responsib'all Day 2024
In June, for the fourth year, we delivered 'Responsib'all Day' for Chivas Brothers and Pernod Ricard. This event is a day when everyone in the organisation worldwide steps away from their daily tasks to focus on topics like sustainability, giving back, and well-being.
Responsib'all Day 2024
Over the last few months, the Smart Live team have been in preparation mode for the biggest event in our financial calendar, Responsib’All Day 2024 for Chivas Brothers and Pernod Ricard UK. This event is a day where globally as an organisation, everyone steps away from their day jobs and focuses on topics such as sustainability, giving back and well-being. Over the years, we’ve hosted groups litter picking on the edges of the Thames and on beaches in the north of Scotland, divided everyone into multiple sites where they’ve focused on biodiversity and helped restore nature in local areas and finally last years event saw us create a Well-Being Festival filled with lots of activities for guests to do something good for their own mental health whilst simultaneously giving back to local communities.
This year’s focus was all about Circular Making, with a key focus on 5 pillars of responsibility (Rethink/ Reduce/ Reuse/ Recycle/ Respect). Each year we take part in a tender process for the event, and this year we were awarded the group’s London United event in addition to the Chivas R’Day. If that wasn’t enough, we were also tasked with delivering the event on a much smaller scale down in Plymouth for other PR employees. These additional wins were down to our creative and collaborative approach to the challenge of delivering 4 high-standard events, as well as the added resource of Story Events which we are now able to utilise.
Highlights Included:
- 4 events delivered simultaneously with a total of 801 attendees.
- Teams from across Smart Group deployed to sites.
- Content created and designed for the first time ever for Chivas Brothers, which was well received.
- x19 workshops delivered across the UK creating 530 donated items – including turning textiles into tote bags, jewellery made from recycled plastic, plant pots made from old event vinyls, discarded wood turned into new furniture, and repair workshops of electricals and bikes to be donated to local communities in need.
- 4 educational sessions delivered with quizzes themed on TV shows engaging the audience.
- Approximately 2 small vans filled with donations across the UK from guests going to Homeless Project Scotland and Save the World in London (then donated to local communities).

What an incredible way to deliver four R-Day events in one day. Our best year (yet)! Thank you all for your unwavering support and commitment to deliver this project with excellence.